What Is Emboss And Deboss?


Embossing is raising a material’s surface to show a design or pattern.  Embossing dates as far back as the fifteenth century.  According to ‘The Stamp Maker’, embossing was “used to create stationery for higher-end purposes”.  Embossment was seen as a mark of high status, a sign of wealth, and professionalism.  Even in today’s environment many companies will often emboss their documents.

Have you ever had a tattoo?  That bumpy raised skin feeling is like the way embossed materials would feel.  The raised skin is a convex effect.  It is creating a 3-dimensional effect with the material that it is pressed upon.  The process of embossing and debossing is similar.  The main difference is that embossing has the leather with the design on the bottom of the leather, pushing the leather up as it goes through a roller.  The video below shows a piece of leather going through the roller in the embossing process.  Here is a diagram to help:

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Debossing is the lowering of a materials surface to show a pattern or design.  Debossing does the opposite job of embossing.  This has the background of the designed to be raised higher than the actual design, which is lowered.  Debossing is when the plates are on the top of the leather depressing, or pushing down on, the leather.  These processes are done directly onto the leather and its natural grain.  A cool luxury of debossing is the depressed portion can be filled in with inks to give it a different color or look.  There are plenty of uses for concaved designs, sometimes it is used to put words onto leather, like the picture above, or it is used to put logos onto different leather goods: like luggage tags or wallets.  Debossed materials have a concave shape.  Here is a diagram to help:

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JUST HIDES offers a whole array of embossment patterns that can be used for any project that you have. These patterns can be done in any color and even custom colors!  Embossing is used as a form of art. Leather is one of those canvases used to show off the art style, and even your personality!

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Personally, my favorite is the Nalu embossment. Nalu means “surging surf/wave” in Hawaiian. This makes me think of relaxation, which is my specialty. It can set the tone at home when you see the wave like patterns in the leather. This brings a calm ease like you are floating on a small wave. With the leather placed around the house it makes me feel I am relaxing and sitting by the water. This would be a great pattern for wall tiles, chairs, or seats in your car.

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My second favorite would have to be the Draco embossment.  First, how can someone not love dragons?  Second, how cool would this look in your house, or on a leather bag or wallet?  Speaking of personality, dragons have BIG personalities.  They embody power, strength, courage, and confidence.  With the wide array of choices and styles there are many options for you to express your personality and accent your home or vehicle.


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