Leather Christmas Ornaments

Feeling crafty this holiday season?  Two words: leather ornaments.  These ornaments are becoming all the rage because of the many ways they can be used.  Also, they last longer than some fragile ornaments made from glass.  Many of the styles range from the classic Christmas tree-shaped ornament to light bulb-shaped ornaments.  You could really make any type of ornament and any type of design.  Looking for good stocking stuffers?  You can even make some for stocking stuffers for your friends and family.  Want to entertain the kids?  Start a tradition of crafting ornaments together.  I know animals and babies are ornament's worst enemies.  If a leather ornament falls or your cat/baby gets to it, you won't need to worry about it falling because it will not break from falling.  The bottom of our trees is pretty much bare because we are afraid of them being taken by children or knocked off by animals and someone getting hurt. This is not a problem with leather ornaments.  Looking online, many tutorials show how to carve words or names into leather, making it a tremendous customizable gift.  Some leather will have a noticeable grain, adding a new dimension and look to the ornament that you don't get with other materials.

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Feeling like a leather ornament might not be suitable for you?  That's okay; leather can be made as a tie that goes on the tree.  Leather is durable and lasts a long time.  There will be no need to replace the leather ties for a long time.  There are different designs like bows or knots.  These ties can also replace hooks.  Unlike hooks, you can bend these leather ties and not break them. There is also a multitude of colors that can be used.  JUST HIDES offers an array of colors but also does custom colors!

There is not a lot of tools needed to make a leather ornament.  A few items that you need would be scissors (make sure they can cut through leather), a heavy-duty needle, thread (only if you are going to put pieces together), and paint (acrylic paint would work well).  You can use whatever design you want to use! You will want to cut out the design (probably twice to make it thicker); sew them together if you cut out two pieces.  Then design it with the paint and let it dry!  You can design it with whatever words or shapes that you want.  This allows you to add your own flair to your ornaments on the tree, fireplace, or whatever you use to display ornaments.

Ultimately, leather ornaments are more durable and give more freedom in customization.  JUST HIDES has many colors that can be used for any ornament you want to make! Let's keep our trees full this year.

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